Walking through the Proverbs
Proverbs 16
This Proverb speaks to the heart of man.

A Prepared Heart (1-3, 23) Is a heart that receives God’s truth and submits to God’s will. Since the mouth speaks what the heart has treasured up. The Lord can guide your words when your heart is prepared (Matthew 10:19-20).

A Proud Heart (5,18-19). Pride is one sin that God especially hates. It leads to all kinds of trouble and robs you of God’s blessings.

A Purposeful Heart (7, 9, 25) If your heart is not devoted to God’s purposes, then it will lead you astray. Take time to think and pray, meditate on the word, and make your plans and trust the Lord to guide you (Proverbs 3:5-6 ).

A Prudent Heart (20-24) When wisdom is your Food and Drink then you will be able to make Wise decisions.

A Perverse Heart (27-30) What is in the heart even eventually comes out in life, heeding (Proverbs 4:23) will do you good.

Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor