
“A New Day”

Lamentations 3:23

          Every day is a NEW DAY, it could be the first day of the rest of Our lives. Each New Day is a gift from God, what we do with that day is Our gift back to God. Each New Day is an expression of God’s NEW MERCIES, if God’s compassions are NEW EVERY MORNING (Lamentations 3:23), you have the right to claim them daily, let each new morning be for you the dawning of A NEW DAY.

Start over again, No matter how many times you failed yesterday. Yesterday is over it’s done, put yesterday’s failures behind you. If God’s mercies never fail depend on them during the NEW DAY, it’s a day of new beginnings. God is faithful and His Mercies, Compassions and Faithfulness will never fail.

Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor



     All of us know that throughout the years of our time spent in school. At certain periods there we were given a test, to test our knowledge on a particular subject.  These test followed us all the way from kindergarten to college, it’s the way of the secular world to test our knowledge of what we have retained from the lessons that have been brought before us.

And so it is in the spiritual realm the God whom we serve will from time to time test our faith. Faith that is not tested is un-reliable, I’ve been asked is God testing me?  Is what I’m going through a test? Is my troubles a test? etc.

We never know when God is using the everyday things of life to test our faith.  The bible is replete with examples of God testing the faith of his servants. Abraham was tested by the sacrificing of his son Isaac (Genesis 22). The men of Gideon’s army were tested by the way they drank water.  Israel was tested by thirst (Exodus 15:22-27). Moses was tested by the complaining of the people (Number 20:1-13).

We must constantly be on guard because sometimes we do not know what the lesson was until we have failed the test! And then we must repeat it because God wants us to pass the test.

Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor