
“Obedience Always Brings Blessings”

Psalm 24:1-5

          What is a blessing someone might ask, I personally define it as “ anything that is an expression of God’s love or goodness towards us”, for instance answers to prayers, miraculous provision, unexpected favor.

           God’s blessings come in a variety of forms, but we can be assured that obedience to him always brings blessings.

          Bible characters who are example of Gods blessings because of obedience; God asked Noah to build a large boat, it preserved his family during the flood. God called Abraham to leave his family and follow him. Not only did Abraham experience great material prosperity but he also became known as the father of the nation of Israel. Peter cast his net in the middle of the day at JESUS’ command and he caught so much fish it almost broke the net. Joshua followed the Lord’s command in battle.  Joshua being a military man, this seemed very unusual to march around Jericho for seven days, but he obeyed and got a victory.

           Types of Blessings-God’s gifts aren’t always obvious. However, when you obey him he may bless you with Peace, Joy and Contentment. These internal qualities often result when we step out in faith and obey God.

          Spiritual Growth –The next time God ask you to do something challenging, we have more faith to obey.

          Eternal Blessings –We will have to stand before God one day. We will be rewarded for obedience, the bible says we will be honored for small things.  (Mark 9:41; Luke 6:21-23).

Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor



Do you want to enjoy your life of Faith? Then take time to see the greatness of God and Praise him. Do you want to inherit all that God has planned for you in this life? Then give yourself to Worship and Praise. A hard heart leads to a hard life.  So keep your heart tender before God.

 Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor


To Worship is to quicken the Conscience by the HOLINESS OF GOD, to feed the mind with the TRUTH OF GOD, to purge the imagination by the BEAUTY OF GOD, to open the heart to the LOVE OF GOD, to devote the will to the PURPOSE OF GOD.

 William Temple