
          Entering A New Year to some may be doubtful, fearful, because we do not know what lies ahead we do not know the future but because as believers we know who holds the future let us enter the new year Walking In Faith.

“Genesis 12:1-10, Matthew 7:7”

          From the moment you say yes to the Lord’s will and his way that moment you a believer, you enter the school of FAITH because from that point on, the father’s goal is to teach you to trust him. Therefore, in order to live effectively and grow in your relationship with him, you must have confidence that God– who is the ruler and creator of all things will do exactly what he says he will do. That’s why JESUS said “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you:” (Matthew 7:7). Our father has awesome blessings for you, but you must know that he cares for you enough to provide them. Its unfortunate that believers will sometimes miss God’s blessings because they fail to trust him, we get caught up in Our circumstances and wonder why this happened to me, we must realize that tribulation is a part of this life. (John 16:33).

The Scripture in Genesis 12:10 is Abrahams demonstration of his Faith Walk.  Abraham demonstrated what is necessary for remaining confident in the Fathers provision. Abraham teaches Us to: 1. Listen to God, 2. Obey God, 3. Depend on God, Waite on God, 5. Acknowledge Our mistakes, repent and profit from Fait failures (it has well been said that Faith is Not believing in Spite of evidence-it is obeying in Spite of consequences).

Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor