Psalm 100


      The hymn “Old Hundredth” (“all people that on earth do dwell”) is based on this psalm as is the familiar “Doxology”.  Thanking the Lord is something we must do with our lives as well as with our Lips. How shall we do it?

      Listen to the psalmist Verse two. By Serving “Enter to Worship—depart to Serve” that is the charge above the west doors in the Vestibule.  Too many people want to be Served and not Serve the Lord, “with gladness”.  The Lord loves a cheerful Servant.

      By Submitting Verse three God is the creator and we are creatures. “It is He who made us” the creatures submits to the creator, He not only made Us, but He is making us as we submit to Him (Ephesians 2:10). Submission to the Lord’s will means Fulfillment for our lives.  By Sacrificing Verse Four-Five As the people of God we are a privileged people to offer (I Peter 2:5) spiritual Sacrifices to the Lord. They include our Songs of Praise (Hebrews 13:15), Good works (Hebrews 13:16) and material gifts (Philippians 4:15-18).  Because of who He is (V.5) and what he does for us, he is certainly worthy of our joyful thanks.


Rev. Jack L. Reed, Pastor